Blue Footed Booby Bird

I also like these Blue Footed Booby Birds.  So one was my muse this weekend.

LFFxxxx USD 50.00

Blue Footy (Watercolor on 5″ by 7″ Stock)

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Still on a manatee kick

I am still on a manatee kick!  Look at these guys.  Who wouldn’t want to see them in the wild?

LFFxxx USD 50.00

Two manatees swimming–watercolor on 5″ by 7″ card

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I was thinking of manatees today.

Here are two manatees swimming in the warm Florida waters.  The little one on the right is thinking of something amusing but we don’t know what it is.

LFF0117 USD 50.00

Manatees in Florida Waters

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Rose from Balboa Island, CA

Last weekend, I saw such beautiful flowers growing on Balboa Island, very close to Newport Beach, CA.  I took several photos of them and this is a painting that was done based on the photo.  You can see the photo also in my blog as “Crystalline Rose”.

LFL0005 USD 50.00

Watercolor based on original photo. Original Painting is 10″ by 14″ on watercolor rough paper.

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Capturing Sunset, October, 2014, Key Biscayne

I had to run out to the balcony to get this photo.  Totally untouched photo.  Taken with Leica V-Lux 40.

Sunset in Key Biscayne, Taken with Leica V-Lux 40

Sunset in Key Biscayne, Taken with Leica V-Lux 40

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Crystalline Rose Growing in Balboa Island, California

Here you see a beautiful rose.  It almost looked like crystal but instead it was a full blown rose with light shining through each petal.

LPS0047, USD 50.00

Original Photo taken on Balboa Island with Leica V-Lux 40.

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NY Pigeon Arrives in Balboa Island, California, and now won’t leave

Just returned from Orange County, California.  This photo was taken on Balboa Island, a part of Newport Beach.  He looks very content and appears to have no intention to return to New York.  He even picked up some nice color from all the plentiful sunshine.

LPS0046 USD 50.00

Pigeon resting in Balboa Island, California (Taken with Leica V-Lux 40, Untouched)

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Wombat by Tree Trunk

Here is a wombat near a tree trunk.  The wombat is the koala’s closest cousin.  Wombats are also very cute marsupials.

LFF0016 USD50.00

Here is koala’s closest cousin, the wombat.

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Baby Wallaby Wrapped in Blanket

Although I thought I was done with wallabies, a photo of this guy showed up and I just had to paint him.  He was a little wallaby wrapped in a blanket barely the size of a human hand and he had these big, alert eyes with a face that appeared to be smiling.  How could I resist?

Baby Wallaby (Joey)

Baby Wallaby (Joey)

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Two Small Paintings from this weekend

Here are two different paintings that I did this weekend.  My goal was to play with lighting.  If you look at the Ross Sea penguin, he is emerging from darkness to light.  The tulips are also trying to grab some of the light.

LFL0004 USD 40.00

Tulips are so pretty but after a week, they don’t last as cut flowers. If you paint them, though, they become immortalized!

LFF0115 USD50.00

Ross Sea Penguin Emerging from Dark to Light

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Back to Penguins! Check out this watercolor of a mom penguin and her little curious penguin

So today, I returned to another favorite subject for my art–penguins!  Check out this Sea Ross penguin mom with her little penguin baby at her side.  This is a happy penguin scene…

LFF 0114 USD 50.00

Back to Penguins! Watercolor on Khandi Paper (17″ by 12″)

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Sharing just a few photos taken at the Books and Books’ book reading and signing event of September 6, 2014 in Coral Gables, Fl.

Signing one of two books

Signing one of two books

Little Ones Coloring the Wally B Outline Kids Gathering Around to Color Oultline of Wally B 2014-09-06_14-55-45Here you see me signing a book and also some little ones coloring the outline image of Wally B.  I noticed some very creative colors for the wallaby!  Pink, purple, peach… all sort of colors.  Wally B did not mind; in fact, he really enjoyed seeing the various renditions of his image!

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Just back from Southern California

I almost forgot how beautiful California is.  This trip brought me back to my first visit while with my parents on a college tour.  It was hard to imagine any area so beautiful with the deep blue and aquamarine colors of the water.  In this untouched photo, taken in Laguna Beach, just look at all of these colors.

Laguna Beach, California, taken with Leica V-Lux 40

Laguna Beach, California, taken with Leica V-Lux 40

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Wally B, Jimmy, and Other Wallaby Friends

This was drawn for the upcoming book reading and signing event.  Here is a picture that young coloring enthusiasts may enjoy.  Maybe we will see a blue wallaby or a pink sky!  Whatever the little ones desire will be ok!  Come to the Book signing event at Books and Books, on Saturday, September 6th from 10:30 to 11:30 AM.  The store is in Coral Gables at 265 Aragon Avenue.  Feel free to download and color even it you can’t come… Would love to see what you come up with!

For Coloring Enthusiasts

For Coloring Enthusiasts

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Say hello to another Wallaby Family Member—this is Jake…

Say hello to Jake.  Jake is another brother of the Wally B, Jimmy Wallaby family.  He’s a bit more mischievous than the others….

USD 50

Jake, Jimmy and Wally B’s other brother.

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LFF0492, Contact Artist for Pricing

Baby White Peacock

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LFF0491 Contact Artist for Pricing

Baby Sloth

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LFS0163, Contact Artist for Pricing

Japan Influence

Cherry blosso ms, Bird, butterflies and dragonflies–influenced by Japan…

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LFF0486, Contact Artist for Pricing

Beaver with Nunchucks by a River

Little Martial Arts Beaver…

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LFF0480 Contact Artist for Pricing

Pandas-Hockey Practice

If Pittsburgh can have the Penguins hockey team and Florida has the Panthers, why not have a team called the Pandas?  

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LFF0479, Contact Artist for Pricing

4 Chatty Penguins Chillin’

These four penguins are just having fun, chatting and singing…

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LFS0162, Contact Artist for Pricing

Mt. Fuji and Cherry Blossoms–Japan

Still virtually in Japan… Enjoy!

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LFS0161, Contact Artist for Pricing

Montage of Japan

A friend of mine is visiting Japan.  I would love to go there in person but for now, I can paint it from multiple images…

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